Scouting Programme
If your editor recommends your manuscript for submission to agents, we’ll let you know that we’d like to consider it when we send you the editorial report (or after mentoring if the full MS has been reviewed).
Once you’ve completed revisions, you’ll send us the first 50 pages for consideration.
Submission can be an involved process which differs for every author. It may be that we request the whole manuscript and sell you straight in to an agent, or we may want to work with you personally before submitting. At this stage, there is no charge for our feedback. We may turn you down if we don’t feel we can pass you through. If we’re interested but there’s significant revision to be made we might recommend another report. We don’t make this suggestion lightly, and you’re under no obligation to undertake this step.
Submission of work to agents is by invitation only, at our discretion, and it also has to work for you. If your manuscript reaches this level we’ll discuss the process with you in more detail and send you an agreement. If at any stage you feel you’d prefer to submit your work yourself then you’re free to do so, as long as you let us know.